Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Text 1
Indonesia is the largest economy in southeast Asia ; it is a G-20 major economy member and also  an emerging market. it has a market-based economy in which the government Play  a significant role by owning more than 164 state-owned enterprises and administers prices on several basic goods, including fuel, water resource, and electricity. As of 2008,Indonesia ‘s estimated Gross Domestic  Bruto (GDP) was nearly U$ 518 billion making it exist among the top 20 largest GDP in the world, still its GDP per capita was ranked out of 100.the service sector was the largest contributor to the GDP , accounted nearly 45%, this followed by industry (40%) and agriculture (17%).however agriculture employs more people than other sectors, accounting 45% out of 150 million strong workforces
Indonesia has large quantity of fertile farmland and has the largest permanent crop area in the world, no less than 240,000 km2 ;moreover ,the country is the largest cinnamon, palm oil, and clove producer and exporter in the world. Indonesia’s major export markets are Japan ,China and Germany .the country has some well-known international product including clove cigarette products( Djarum  and  Gudang Garam) and food.
in the 1960s, the economy deteriorated drastically as a result of political instability, a young and experienced government, and ill-disciplined economic nationalism, which resulted in severe poverty and hunger. following president Sukarno’s downfall in the mid -1960s,the new order administration brought a degree of discipline to economic policy that quickly brought inflation down ,stabilized the currency,  rescheduled foreign debt, and attracted foreign aid and investment. Indonesia was southeast Asia’s only member of OPEC, while it withdrew in 2008 due to no longer being a net oil exporter. in 1970s ASEAN economic reform provided an export revenue windfall that contributed to sustained high economic growth rates .following further reforms in the late 1970s ,foreign investment flowed into Indonesia , particularly into the rapidly developing export –oriented  manufacturing sector , and from 1980 -1996, the national economy grew by an average 7% annually. alongside Taiwan ,Singapore , south Korea, Hong kong , Thailand, and Malaysia , Indonesia was known as Asian tiger, unfortunately , in the end it only result four countries official recognized as four tiger due to 1997-1998 East Asian Financial Crisis that hit many states in east asia.
Indonesia was the country hardest hit by 1997-1998 East Asian Financial Crises, against US Dollar , its currency rupiah dropped from Rp 2000 to nearly Rp 18000.the national economy shrank 13.7% which affected to the mass unemployment, destruction, and widespread social tensions, there was recovery started in 1999 but is was slow due to corruption and political instability, in early 2000, Indonesia still suffered slow investment due to many terrorist attacks ,however, in 2004 and 2005, the country enjoyed surplus trade making its GDP grow 5% and subsidies that government has since given gradually also help the people increase their consumption toward domestic goods and services. in recent years, Indonesia’s  economy has shown the positive and rapid growths since Suharto years in 1980’s until mid -1990’s, as of 2008, Indonesia’s economy grew 6.3%, the highest point since 1996 and in comparison to its neighbors such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Australia, Indonesia has less been affected by the 2008 global recession and in the only state with positive growth during the crisis.
1.       What is the most suitable title of the text above ?
A.      Crisis in Indonesia
B.      Economy of Indonesia
C.      International Economy toward Indonesia
D.      Economic growth in Indonesia
E.       Economy sector in Indonesia
2.       Where can you see that government will less give and will relatively eliminate the private domination toward Indonesia’s resources?
A.      They won’t totally give the regulation for private sector in owning Indonesia’s resour
B.      They hold control most basic daily Indonesians like water ,fuel , gas and electro
C.      They empower private sector to exploit the mining resources
D.      They official give the private sector higher taxes
E.       They ask the private sector to increase the Indonesia ‘s GDP
3.       In what sector do many Indonesians work at?
A.      Services
B.      Manufacturing
C.      Finance
D.      Agriculture
E.       Tourism
4.       Why did Indonesia’s gross domestic product grow rapidly in 1980’s until 1996 ?
A.      Due to its development in agricultural sector
B.      Due to improvement in oil production
C.      Due to its development in export-oriented manufacturing sector in finance
D.      Due to its increasing of services sector in finance
E.       Due to ASEAN’s economic reform
5.       What are the main  reasons of slow economy recovery in late 1990’s and early 2000’s at crisis?
A.      Terorrist attacks and money laundry by business sector
B.      High rate of foreign  debt since new order regime that was paid off in 2000
C.      corruption and natural disaster that slow  its infrastructure’s development
D.      Social tension, and widespread bad financial system
E.       Political chaos ,corruption  and slow investment by foreign companies
6.       Why 2008 global recession did not highly affect Indonesia’s economy ?
A.      The surplus trade since 2004 and2005
B.      Stimulus and subsidies given by government  and privates companies
C.      higher import toward foreigner’s goods
D.      It has reached its highest point of growth since Suharto years
E.       Indonesian’s high consumption toward domestic goods and services
7.       The word ‘plays’ which is underlined in paragraph 1 would be best replaced by             .
A.      Play
B.      Playing
C.      To play
D.      To be playing
E.       No chance
8.       The sentences ‘that quickly brought inflation down’ in paragraph  could be replaced with           .
A.      That brought quickly inflation down
B.      That brought inflation down quickly
C.      That bring quickly inflation down
D.      That brought inflation quickly down
E.       No chance
9.       The word ’due to’ in paragraph 4 could be replaced by             .
A.      Because
B.      Because of
C.      In order to
D.      So
E.       No Chance
10.   The word ‘by’ in paragraph 4 would be best replaced by              .
A.      With
B.      As
C.      Within
D.      In
E.       NO Chance

Text 2
Although it seems like the spread of spam-unwanted junk e-mails sent to millions of people each day – is recent problem, spam has been around as long as the internet has. in fact, the first documented case of spam occurred in , when a computer company sent out 400 e-mails via the Arpanet ,the precursor to the modern internet. Now, Spam e-mails account for more than two-thirds of all the e-mails sent over the internet, and for some  unlucky uses, spam makes up 80 percent of the messages they receive. and despite technological innovation such as spam filters and event new legislation designed to combat spam, the problem will not go away easily.
The reason spammers – the people who and businesses that spread spam – are difficult to stop is that spam is so cost effective. it cost a spammer  roughly one-hundredth of a send spam, which means that a spammer can still make a profit even with a extremely  low response rate, as low as one sale per 100.000 e-mails sent. this low rate gives spammers a tremendous incentive to continue  sending out million  and millions of e-mails, even if the average person never purchases anything from them. with so much at stake. spammers have gone to great lengths to avoid or defeat spam blockers and filters.
most spam filters rely on a fairly primitive “fingerprinting “ system. in this system ,a program analyses several typical spam messages and identifies common features in them. any arriving e-mails that match these features are deleted. But the fingerprinting defense proves quite easy for spammer to defeat. to confuse the program, a spammer simply has to include as series of random characters or number. the additions to the spam messages chance its “fingerprint” and thus allow the spam to escape detection. and when programmers modify the fingerprint software to look for random strings of letter, spammers respond by including nonrandom content, such as sports scores or stock prices, which again defeats the system.
A second possible solution takes advantages of a computer ‘s limited learning abilities. so called “smart filters” use complex algorithms ,which allow them to recognize new versions of spam messages. these filters may be initially fooled by random characters or bogus content, but they soon learn to identify these features. unfortunately, spammers have learned how to avoid these smart filters as well

11.   The following statement describe spam, except ?
A.      It affects million of internet users
B.      It totals more than 80 percent of e-mail
C.      It is beneficial to the general public
D.      It is an unwanted message for mass audience
E.       It may be a good source of income spammers
12.   The best title for the above text is ?
A.      The development of spam filters
B.      the success of development of spam filters
C.      the disadvantages of using e-mails
D.      How to make profit though spamming
E.       spam: Problem and Solution
13.   Smart filters are superior to fingerprinting system because smart filters ?
A.      Are eventually able to recognize new versions of spam
B.      Have the ability to learn from their previous the mistakes
C.      Do not need to find common features to detect spam
D.      Are not fooled by random characters or content
E.       Take advantages of computer’s limited learning abilities
14.   The word ‘program’ in line 17 refers to ?
A.      A spam message
B.      A character or a number
C.      A type of spam filter
D.      A common feature
E.       A fingerprint
15.    From the text we can conclude that spammers ?
A.      Have always managed to get responses from internet users
B.      produce spam that can never be detected by spam blockers
C.      Have been able to sell cheap products to users
D.      Make a big profit from the combat against spam blockers
E.       Always send 100000 e-mail a day to make profit

Teks 1
Indonesia adalah ekonomi terbesar di Asia Tenggara, yang merupakan G-20 ekonomi anggota utama dan juga merupakan pasar berkembang. memiliki ekonomi berbasis pasar di mana pemerintah Memainkan peran penting dengan memiliki lebih dari 164 perusahaan milik negara dan mengelola harga barang pokok, termasuk bahan bakar, sumber daya air, dan listrik. Pada tahun 2008, di Indonesia diperkirakan Gross Domestic Bruto (PDB) hampir U $ 518.000.000.000 membuat ada di antara 20 besar PDB terbesar di dunia, masih PDB per kapita adalah peringkat keluar dari 100.the sektor jasa adalah yang terbesar kontributor PDB, menyumbang hampir 45%, ini diikuti oleh industri (40%) dan pertanian (17%) namun pertanian. mempekerjakan lebih banyak orang daripada sektor-sektor lainnya, akuntansi dari 45% dari 150 juta tenaga kerja yang kuat
Indonesia memiliki jumlah besar lahan pertanian subur dan memiliki luas tanaman permanen terbesar di dunia, tidak kurang dari 240.000 km2, apalagi, negara adalah terbesar kayu manis, kelapa sawit, dan produsen cengkeh dan eksportir di dunia. pasar utama ekspor Indonesia adalah Jepang, Cina dan Jerman. negara ini memiliki beberapa produk internasional terkenal termasuk produk rokok kretek (Djarum dan Gudang Garam) dan makanan.
pada tahun 1960, perekonomian memburuk drastis sebagai akibat dari ketidakstabilan politik, pemerintahan muda dan berpengalaman, dan nasionalisme ekonomi sakit-disiplin, yang mengakibatkan kemiskinan dan kelaparan yang parah. berikut kejatuhan Presiden Sukarno pada pertengahan 1960-an, pemerintahan orde baru membawa tingkat disiplin untuk kebijakan ekonomi yang cepat membawa inflasi ke bawah, menstabilkan mata uang, penjadwalan ulang utang luar negeri, dan menarik bantuan asing dan investasi. Indonesia adalah satunya anggota di Asia Tenggara OPEC, sementara itu menarik diri pada 2008 karena tidak lagi menjadi eksportir minyak bersih. di tahun 1970-an reformasi ekonomi ASEAN memberikan pendapatan tak terduga ekspor yang memberikan kontribusi untuk mempertahankan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi. berikut reformasi lebih lanjut di akhir 1970-an, investasi asing mengalir ke Indonesia, khususnya ke sektor manufaktur berkembang pesat berorientasi ekspor, dan dari 1980 -1996, perekonomian nasional tumbuh rata-rata 7% per tahun. bersama Taiwan, Singapura, Korea Selatan, Hong Kong, Thailand, dan Malaysia, Indonesia dikenal sebagai macan Asia, sayangnya, pada akhirnya hanya mengakibatkan empat resmi negara diakui sebagai empat harimau karena 1997-1998 krisis keuangan Asia Timur yang melanda banyak negara di asia timur.
Indonesia adalah negara yang paling terkena 1997-1998 Krisis Keuangan Asia Timur, terhadap US Dollar, mata uang rupiah turun dari Rp 2000 menjadi hampir Rp perekonomian nasional 18000.the menyusut 13,7% yang mengakibatkan kehancuran massal pengangguran,, dan ketegangan sosial yang luas , ada pemulihan dimulai pada tahun 1999 tetapi lambat karena korupsi dan ketidakstabilan politik, pada awal 2000, Indonesia masih menderita investasi lambat karena serangan teroris, bagaimanapun, pada tahun 2004 dan 2005, negara menikmati surplus perdagangan membuat PDB tumbuh 5 % dan subsidi yang diberikan pemerintah sejak bertahap juga membantu orang meningkatkan konsumsi mereka terhadap barang dan jasa domestik. dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, ekonomi Indonesia telah menunjukkan pertumbuhan positif dan pesat sejak tahun Suharto pada 1980-an sampai pertengahan tahun -1990 ', pada 2008, perekonomian Indonesia tumbuh 6,3%, titik tertinggi sejak 1996 dan dibandingkan dengan negara-negara tetangganya seperti Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand dan Australia, Indonesia memiliki kurang terpengaruh oleh resesi 2008 global dan dalam satu-satunya negara dengan pertumbuhan positif selama krisis.

Teks 2
Walaupun tampaknya seperti penyebaran sampah spam e-mail yang dikirim ke jutaan orang setiap hari - baru-baru ini masalah, spam telah sekitar selama internet telah. pada kenyataannya, kasus yang pertama kali didokumentasikan terjadi spam, ketika sebuah perusahaan komputer dikirim keluar 400 e-mail melalui ARPAnet, cikal bakal internet modern. Sekarang, Spam e-mail account selama lebih dari dua-pertiga dari semua e-mail yang dikirim melalui internet, dan untuk beberapa penggunaan sial, spam membuat naik 80 persen dari pesan-pesan yang mereka terima. dan meskipun inovasi teknologi seperti filter spam dan acara undang-undang baru yang dirancang untuk memerangi spam, masalah tidak akan pergi dengan mudah.
Alasannya spammer - orang-orang yang dan bisnis yang menyebarkan spam - sulit untuk menghentikan adalah bahwa spam sehingga biaya efektif. itu biaya spammer kira-kira seperseratus dari spam dikirim, yang berarti bahwa spammer masih dapat membuat keuntungan bahkan dengan tingkat respon yang sangat rendah, serendah satu penjualan per 100.000 e-mail dikirim. tingkat yang rendah memberikan insentif yang luar biasa spammer untuk terus mengirimkan juta dan jutaan e-mail, bahkan jika rata-rata orang tidak pernah membeli apapun dari mereka. dengan begitu banyak yang dipertaruhkan. spammer telah berusaha keras untuk menghindari atau kekalahan blocker dan filter spam.
filter spam yang paling mengandalkan sistem yang cukup primitif "sidik jari". dalam sistem ini, analisis program beberapa pesan spam yang khas dan mengidentifikasi fitur umum di dalamnya. setiap e tiba-mail yang sesuai dengan fitur ini dihapus. Tapi pertahanan sidik jari membuktikan cukup mudah bagi spammer untuk mengalahkan. untuk mengacaukan program, spammer hanya harus memasukkan sebagai rangkaian karakter acak atau nomor. penambahan untuk pesan-pesan spam kesempatan "sidik jari" dan dengan demikian memungkinkan spam untuk lolos dari deteksi. dan ketika programmer memodifikasi perangkat lunak sidik jari untuk mencari string acak surat, spammer merespon dengan memasukkan konten acak, seperti skor olahraga atau harga saham, yang sekali lagi mengalahkan sistem.
Sebuah solusi yang mungkin kedua mengambil keuntungan dari komputer 's kemampuan belajar terbatas. disebut "filter pintar" menggunakan algoritma yang komplek, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mengenali versi baru dari pesan spam. filter ini mungkin awalnya tertipu oleh karakter acak atau konten palsu, tetapi mereka segera belajar untuk mengidentifikasi fitur ini. sayangnya, spammer telah belajar bagaimana untuk menghindari filter cerdas juga

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